Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Netflix Adventures!

I spend a lot of time home with the baby and, thankfully, she doesn't have an opinion about what's on the TV while she shrieks and howls. Thanks to the magic of Netflix (and the curse of no-cable) we watch a lot of crappy entertainment during the day. Okay, so not all of it is crappy, but you can easily burn through all of the good stuff in a week. "Netflix Adventures!" is my attempt to help the world navigate the tricky world of online entertainment. But, of course, I'm lazy... So one sentence is all you'll get. ENJOY!

The Virginity Hit: Holy shit, if this is really how kids are these days I swear to Christ we're going to hell in a hand-basket - 2/10

Trailer Park Boys: Holy shit, if this is really how Canadians are these days I swear to Christ that Canada is even funnier than Mike Myers' shitty recycled characters have led me to believe - 8/10

The Man With Two Brains: It's a little rough around the edges, but there are plenty of brilliant gags to remind you that Steve Martin is better than his latter-day Queen Latifah vehicles would lead you to believe - 9/10

Austin Powers in Goldmember: Apparently a movie's quality is inversely proportional to the number of its ridiculous celebrity cameos - 1/10

The 18-Year-Old Virgin: Just like the movie with Steve Carell only with an 18-year-old girl... and terrible - 3/10

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