Saturday, April 8, 2017

From the Ashes...

The podcast is dead.

You're probably thinking, "No duh, it's been dead for years. You guys probably barely talk anymore."
You're right! But, I feel like there are still Funny and Handsome (tm) guys out there and I still get notifications on Facebook like, "1 person has recently viewed your page!"

I don't write much anymore, but I'd like to. I'm hoping to write here and I'm hoping that some of my Funny and Handsome friends will also want to write something every now and again, but we'll see.

Sadly, the original mp3 archives of the show are kaput. I found a few of them on my wife's old iPod, but I don't know if they'll ever get re-posted or anything like that. I wasn't involved in the 2nd season, so I'm not sure if those recordings are still around, but I believe that content can still be found on the re-direct site at this link.

Who knows if I'll ever post again!?! I jumped back on here because I saw an old "500 Words" post, so maybe I'll try to get out one a week. Whatever. Stay handsome and be toxic!